The Benefits of a Sit-Stand Desk

If you work in a job that requires you to spend a lot of time at the computer, you will probably find yourself sat down at your desk for hours throughout the day. As a result, you may have noticed periods during your working day where you feel restless, uncomfortable and distracted. You may long to stand, stretch your legs and move around a little more. If any of this resonates for you, then a sit-stand desk might just be the answer! 

Did you know that in Scandinavia, 90% of office workers have a standing desk? This actually started in the 1990s so it certainly is the norm there. And in Denmark, it is illegal for employers not to provide employees with a sit-stand desk. 

sit-stand desk

So just what are the benefits of a sit-stand desk?

Improves posture
Standing encourages your posture to develop in a more natural way. By standing, you strengthen and engage your core muscles and your spine will naturally align to an 'S' shape rather than a 'C' shape that can occur when sitting.

Burn calories and improve blood circulation
During standing, you actually burn more calories than when you are sitting, this is due to the additional movement that you will engage in whilst maintaining your posture. The additional movement boosts your blood circulation and helps maintain a healthy metabolic rate. Also, when you stand the healthy enzymes that transfer bad cholesterol out of your body are more effective!

Improves your breathing
By standing, you are naturally opening your chest which will enable your diaphragm to work more effectively. Ensuring your breathing is not restricted in any way is so important as it helps to maintain a healthy oxygen supply in your blood whilst also ensuring that you feel calm and relaxed throughout the day. 

Increases productivity
By standing, you're less likely to get that mid-morning or mid-afternoon slump, in which you lose concentration as well as the motivation to complete the tasks in front of you. For those that sit at a desk, these slumps are often combatted with a stretch of the legs and a little walk around to get the blood flowing and to ward off any tiredness. Now imagine, you're already standing due to your sit-stand desk? You're already getting all the benefits mentioned in the points above and so your body will be less likely to experience this slump!

Helps develop your confidence
Standing up whilst making phone calls, video-chatting or speaking face to face with someone has the additional bonus of making you feel more confident, assertive and poised. You'll find you can be a lot more efficient, can make better decisions and get your point across more easily!

Finding your sit-stand desk

There are many options to choose from at when it comes to finding the right desk for you. You can opt for different stand colours as well as different desktop colours to naturally compliment your decor. You can also opt for a variety of different sizes. The Yo-Yo Desk Pro 2+ comes with silent motion technology. You can pre-set your sitting and standing heights so you can easily switch between them. 

sit-stand desk

Sit-stand desks, give you the best of both worlds: the option to stand as well as to sit throughout the day. You can gradually increase the time spent standing to ensure you reap the many benefits that standing has. 

With your sit-stand desk you'll soon discover you feel healthier, have more energy and are more productive too which will make the working day be much more enjoyable and beneficial. 

To find out more and to explore the range of standing desks which are great office and work from home furniture solutions just visit today.