A Beginner's Guide to Taking a Motorhome Trip With Kids

The open road, a spacious motorhome, and the excited chatter of kids can either sound like the beginning of an unforgettable adventure or an impending challenge. Taking a motorhome trip with kids can be a delightful blend of both these sentiments. Imagine the freedom to pause at every fascinating site, while simultaneously navigating sibling rivalries in confined spaces. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the art of motorhoming with children - the joys, the hurdles, and the countless memories waiting to be created.


Why should families consider a motorhome trip with kids?
Travelling is not just about seeing new places; it's about experiencing life from different perspectives. And what better way to teach this to your children than through a motorhome journey?

Flexibility: One of the biggest advantages is the unparalleled flexibility. Want to take an unplanned detour to watch the sunset? Or perhaps, stay an extra day at a particularly serene campground? With a motorhome, you're not bound by hotel bookings or strict itineraries.

Family Bonding: In today's digital age, uninterrupted family time is a luxury. A motorhome trip provides ample opportunities for bonding - be it over campfire songs, board games on a rainy day, or collective awe at a scenic vista.

Education Through Travel: Every place has a story to tell. Be it the geological wonders of national parks, historical tales of landmarks, or the diverse flora and fauna – there's a learning opportunity at every turn.

How to choose the right motorhome for a family trip?
Your motorhome will be your home on wheels, so choosing the right one is pivotal. Before diving into the specifics. Motorhomes come in various sizes and configurations. While larger ones offer more amenities, they might be challenging to manoeuvre. Balance is the key. Factor in the number of travellers, expected duration of the trip, and the amenities you deem essential.

What size motorhome is best for a family?

The ideal size depends on the family's needs. For a small family, a compact motorhome with basic amenities might suffice. However, larger families or those planning extended trips might prefer more spacious options with separate sleeping and living areas.

Should you rent or buy a motorhome for your trip?
The question is which is best - renting or buying a Motorhome? This decision largely depends on frequency. If motorhome journeys are likely to be an annual affair, investing in one might be worthwhile. For occasional travelers, renting is a cost-effective and hassle-free alternative.

What are key safety features for kids in a motorhome?
Child safety is paramount. Ensure the motorhome has:

  • Child-proof locks on cabinets and windows
  • Secure sleeping areas, preferably with guardrails
  • Safe play areas, away from the vehicle's operational parts
How to plan a kid-friendly route?
The journey is as crucial as the destination. When planning:

Factor in Drive Time: Kids can get restless. It's advisable to plan shorter driving days, interspersed with longer rest stops.

Kid-Friendly Stops
: Consider including destinations like national parks, educational sites, and entertainment parks. These not only break the journey but also offer engaging experiences for children.

Entertainment: Consider how to keep the children entertained. This can include playing games like connect 4 online, listening to music, playing car games and even using devices to keep the boredom away.

Which destinations are best for kids?
National parks are treasure troves of nature's wonders, while historical sites provide live history lessons. Additionally, theme parks and zoos can add a dash of thrill to the trip.

How often should you take breaks with kids?
Every 2-3 hours is ideal. These breaks can be for meals, stretching legs, or even spontaneous picnics.

What should you pack for a motorhome trip with kids?
Preparation is the key. Here's a starter list:

  • Educational games and toys
  • Comfortable clothing, suitable for various weather conditions
  • First-aid kit, with essential medicines and band-aids
  • Non-perishable snacks
How to keep kids entertained during long drives?
The scenic outside can keep them engaged, but having a backup is always a good idea. Think audiobooks, travel bingo, or classic car games like "I spy".

What are the best snacks and meals to prepare in a motorhome?
Opt for dishes that require minimal prep. Sandwiches, wraps, and pasta salads are great options. Always have a mix of healthy snacks and a few treats handy.

How to handle emergencies and health issues on the road?
Even with meticulous planning, unexpected hiccups can arise. It's crucial to be prepared for such contingencies:

Know Your Location: Always be aware of the nearest hospital or medical facility. Mobile apps or GPS devices can be handy in this regard.

Carry Essential Medications:
Along with a basic first aid kit, carry essential medications for known health issues within the family.

Emergency Contacts: Maintain a list of emergency contact numbers, including those of family doctors and close relatives.

Stay Calm: In moments of crisis, staying calm is half the battle won. It reassures kids and helps in making sound decisions.

Setting up camp: What should families know?


After a long day of driving, setting up camp can feel like a daunting task. Here's a structured approach to help:

Pick the Right Spot: Look for level grounds. Proximity to restrooms can be a plus, especially with kids. Safety First: Ensure the motorhome is securely parked, with all brakes engaged.

Connect Utilities: If at a serviced campground, connect to the electrical and water hookups.

Set Boundaries: Designate play areas for kids, keeping them away from roads and unfamiliar terrains.

How to ensure your campsite is child-friendly and safe?
Child safety is paramount, even (or especially) at campsites. Ensure that:
  • Play areas are away from vehicle pathways.
  • Potential hazards, like fire pits or water bodies, are cordoned off or supervised. Make sure you have high-quality leisure batteries and provide adequate lighting to avoid accidents after dark.
What are fun campsite activities for kids?
Beyond the conventional hiking and marshmallow roasting, there's a wealth of activities to engage kids:

  • Stargazing: Making the night sky a learning experience
  • Away from the city's lights, campsites offer a pristine view of the cosmos. Teach kids to identify constellations and planets. Mobile apps can be great aids in this quest.
  • Campfire tales: Crafting stories for the whole family. Encourage kids to come up with stories or share local legends. Not only is this entertaining, but it also stimulates their creativity.
How to teach kids about campsite responsibilities?
Being on the road is a great way to instil a sense of responsibility in children. Guide them to:
  • Clean after themselves, be it after meals or play.
  • Respect nature. Reinforce the 'leave no trace' principle.
  • Participate in chores, such as setting up tents or gathering firewood.
Navigating challenges: How to handle common obstacles on the road?
Every journey has its bumps. It's how we navigate them that defines the experience.


What if your kids get bored?
Always have a mix of physical and intellectual activities. Beyond games, encourage them to document the trip, maybe through a journal or sketches.

How to handle disagreements in close quarters?
Close quarters can amplify conflicts. Establish ground rules for disagreements. Promote dialogue over discord and remind everyone of the bigger picture - the unforgettable adventure underway.

Tips for maintaining a routine while on the road?

While the open road promises freedom, maintaining a semblance of routine can provide comfort to kids. Ensure consistent meal and sleep times. Also, have designated periods for activities and relaxation.

What are the educational benefits of a motorhome trip?
Travel is the best educator. Beyond geography, motorhome trips teach children about:

Diverse Cultures: Every region, even within the same country, has its unique traditions and practices.

Nature: From the intricacies of a forest ecosystem to the vastness of the desert, nature offers innumerable lessons.

History: Historical sites bring textbook lessons to life.

How to turn travel experiences into learning opportunities?
Encourage curiosity. Be it a unique rock formation or a local festival, every experience can be a learning opportunity. Carry books or use mobile apps that provide context to the places visited.

What resources can assist in educational travel?
Mobile apps, dedicated travel guides for kids, or even local tour guides can provide depth to your travels.

Safety First: How to ensure your kids are safe during the trip?
The open road brings with it a plethora of experiences, but safety remains paramount. Here's how you can ensure your children's well-being:

  • Child-Proofing the Motorhome: Much like your home, ensure sharp corners, electrical outlets, and small objects are out of reach.
  • Safe Play Areas: When stationary, designate safe play areas for children that are away from traffic and other hazards.
  • Handling Emergencies: Familiarize yourself with emergency exits in the motorhome and practice evacuation drills with your kids.
  • Stay Updated on Weather: Changing terrains can bring unforeseen weather conditions. Always check weather forecasts and plan accordingly.
What first aid essentials should you pack?
It's essential to be prepared for minor injuries and health issues. Your first aid kit should include:
  • Bandages of various sizes
  • Antiseptic wipes and creams
  • Pain relievers suitable for kids
  • Medications for common ailments like fever, cold, or stomach upsets
  • Tweezers for splinters 
  • Digital thermometer
  • Contact details of paediatricians or family doctors
How to keep track of kids in unfamiliar areas?
It's not uncommon for children to wander off, especially in new, exciting places. Here are some precautions:

Dress in Bright Colors: Make your kids wear bright, easily noticeable colors.

Wristbands with Contact Details:
In case they get lost, someone can reach out to you.

Setting Boundaries: Before letting them play or explore, set clear boundaries.

Regular Headcounts: It may sound excessive, but frequent headcounts, especially in crowded areas, can be a lifesaver.

The role of technology in child safety: GPS trackers, apps, and more
In today's digital age, technology can be a formidable ally in ensuring your child's safety:

GPS Trackers: Small devices that can be placed in a child's pocket or backpack. They give real-time location updates. Safety Apps: Apps like 'Life360' allow families to stay connected and provide location alerts.

Setting Alarms: Simple alarms on your phone for regular check-ins can also be beneficial.

The return journey: How to wrap up a motorhome trip?
All good things come to an end, but the transition back to daily life can be made smoother with a few considerations:

Ease into Routine: Gradually reintroduce home routines a day or two before the trip concludes.

Document Memories: Encourage kids to create a travel journal, collecting trinkets, photos, and notes.

Post-Trip Discussions: Talk about the trip's highlights, what everyone learned, and what could be done differently next time.

How to keep the travel spirit alive back home?
While the motorhome might be parked, the spirit of adventure doesn't have to end:
  • Creating scrapbooks or video diaries of the trip
  • A hands-on project, this not only helps relive memories but also serves as a tangible reminder of the journey.
  • Planning mini local adventures until the next big trip
  • Explore local attractions or nature parks. Every place, no matter how familiar, has hidden gems waiting to be discovered.

A motorhome trip with kids is more than just a vacation; it's an educational adventure, a dive into the unknown, and most importantly, an opportunity to bond as a family. While challenges arise, they are but small blips in a journey filled with laughter, learning, and unforgettable memories. So, buckle up and hit the road; for in the words of Saint Augustine, "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." Safe travels!