Top Tips for Helping Your Child with Maths

If your child is having trouble with maths or you just want to help boost their skills and motivation, there are a few helpful tips and tricks you should know about. To find out more, take a look at the following advice from an independent school in Essex.


Master The Basics
Think of learning maths like building a house, the basics are at the bottom and everything else is built on top. If the foundations aren't solid, then it will be near impossible to build anything on it with any real success. No matter how long it takes to achieve, focus on the basics such as counting, number sequences and simple sums until this knowledge is absolutely solid. You can tackle the more advanced stuff later down the line when they’re ready.

Make Maths Fun
Children respond to education better when they enjoy the process. Maths can sometimes be seen as a tricky or boring subject by some children, especially for those who struggle with it. Try to make maths a little more fun by making it an interactive learning experience. Incorporate props and visual aids to help demonstrate sums or make up songs to help them learn their times tables. You could even incorporate art into your maths practice by drawing and cutting out shapes. There are many resources online to give you inspiration for hands-on maths activities that your child will love.

Daily Practice
If your child is having problems with maths they may be reluctant to sit down and practice it in a structured way. Instead, try to find ways to bring maths into everyday life, so they can practice their skills without ever really realising. Practice addition by having them write down the prices of items you pick up at the supermarket and see if they can add them up for you as you go along. For younger children baking together is a great way to get them more familiar with dealing with numbers as they can weigh out ingredients and watch the clock for timings.

Praise Effort
Although it can be exasperating when your child struggles to grasp something seemingly simple, it is important not to knock their confidence by losing your cool or getting frustrated. If a child thinks they’re bad at something they will naturally shy away from it altogether. Even if your child isn't getting it right it is important to praise their effort and make sure you remain upbeat and positive. Show them that you’re proud of them for trying and don’t focus too much on their mistakes.

*Collaborative Post