The Benefits of Fishing With Children

If you are looking to introduce your child to a new activity, you may like to consider fishing. Fishing has many benefits for your child as this article will explore! 

child fishing

Time spent outdoors
As parents, we are all keen to encourage our children to spend more time outdoors, reducing the time they spend lounging around on screens.  Fishing is one way of ensuring they take time away from those additive electronic devices. It also gives them a hefty dose of fresh air which has so many amazing benefits for your child. 

Embracing nature
Spending times amongst nature is one of the best things you can do for your mental health and wellbeing. Time spent outdoors improves your mood, lowers feeling of stress, reduces anxiety and depression, helps you to relax, improves sleep and boosts your immune system. What great benefits for your child!

Learn about wildlife
Whilst fishing, children will be able to learn more about wildlife. They will be able to tune into different bird songs, may observe wildlife in their natural habitats and of course, will hopefully see plenty of fish. Make sure to teach them about the correct handling of fish and how to return them to the water quickly and safely. 

Learn a new skill
Children will be learning a new skill when they start fishing. It's so great to see your child become passionate about a particular hobby. It boosts their mood, helps keep their mind active and prevents boredom to name just a few things!

Teaches resilience
Fishing teaches your child lots of lifelong skills which includes resilience. Sometimes, despite their best efforts, they might not catch anything but at other times the catches will be plentiful. They will learn that a little set back is a natural part of life and the important thing is to keep trying. 

Patience, patience, patience
Fishing teaches children the skill of patience. They may only wait a little while to catch anything or it could take all day. It will certainly be worth the wait when they do!

Develops fine motor skills
Fishing helps your child to develop fine motor skills. They will learn to cast, learn when to let go, when to reel in and the types of pressure and control that are required with fishing. They will also need to be gentle with the fish they catch. 

Teaches independence
Once your child has learnt how to fish, you may find they need little guidance from you and this will be something you can sit and do together without the element of teaching them. They will feel so proud and independent to have mastered this skill. You can even take them shopping to choose and select their own equipment. Don't forget to look out for some carp bait deals

Family bonding
Fishing is a great way of bonding with your child. There will be plenty of opportunities to sit with your child, to teach them and to enjoy each other's company. And all with the backdrop of the great outdoors!

*Collaborative post