The Benefits of Playing Board Games with Your Children

Do you remember playing board games as a child? Chances are you have some fond memories of playing games, perhaps with your siblings, grandparents or parents. I have fond memories of playing Snakes and Ladders with my nan. It's such a simple game but used to bring me hours of joy: there was nothing quite as exciting as landing at the bottom of the largest ladder and then whizzing up to the top of the board! There are so many benefits to playing board games with your children as this article explores. You don't have to spend a lot of money as the charity shops often have a wonderful selection of gently used games or you can even locate some online. have a wonderful selection of online board games to keep little ones entertained! I even found Snakes and Ladders! My little boy will have endless fun with this, just like I did as a child. 

snakes and ladders

Here are a few reasons why board games are so beneficial for children...

Fun and exciting
Games are so much fun for children. You'll love seeing the glee and excitement on their face as they head towards the finish square or select the card they were hoping for! It's a great way of bringing a little joy and happiness to their day.

Playing board games can help a child relax and unwind after a busy or stressful day at school. This is because they will be concentrating on the game at hand, which helps them stay in the moment, forgetting past events or worries.

Develops patience
When your child is playing with others, they will develop skills which include patience, consideration for others and turn-taking. This helps them to become a great team player.

Games can be educational too. They may learn facts about a subject along the way or will have to read certain clues or even solve maths problems for example. 

Quality time

If your child is playing a board game with another person, this is giving them the opportunity to spend quality time with that person which helps boost their happiness, sense of self-worth and social skills. Not only that, but your child will make memories to last a lifetime- just like I did with my nan!

*Collaborative post