New Year, New Habits

A brand new year is here and you may have started to put new year resolutions to keep fit into action. Perhaps you've planned to eat a little healthier and move a little more.

Sometimes it can seem a little hard to get motivated or to even know where to start. Luckily, it'sall in the planning, as those taking the time to complete a fitness instructor course know all too well.

Here are a few tips of how you can meet your new year fitness goals. 


By increasing all your muscle fitness and lean mass you are ensuring a continuation of a long and healthier lifestyle.

When you work on strengthening your muscles, you'll find that bringing in those heavy shopping deliveries and moving around your furniture are an easier chore for you. Muscle resistance training can increase your resting metabolic rate, letting your muscles burn those extra calories whilst you are resting up. A resistance bands workout is great for building up muscle. They are brilliant for on-the-go exercise or if you're short on space at home too!

With the ability to at least get out of the house for a walk or a bike ride still available during this time, you can help your cardio by moving your body at a quicker pace.

This helps to strengthen the immune system, increase your circulation and control your blood pressure. So if you enjoy a walk or a ride or even if you like to do those dances on TikTok , you are doing your body good by doing something you enjoy so use that as a reason to indulge in it daily.

Bike ride

Straight to the Core
If you are at home a lot you run the risk of low back health.

Your posture is going to suffer if all you do is sit working at the kitchen table all day, so installing a functional core gives your posture stability enabling your limbs to have extra mobility. By giving your shoulders, hips and other core areas a bit of extra strength and endurance during this period, you support your lower back and reduce the risk of posture problems.

Stay Mobile
It’s easy to take it easy and spend hours at a time lounging, but that is not going to do you any good in keeping on track for health.

By maintaining adequate mobility training, you fully reduce potential risk of injury to your connective tissue and muscles with structured workouts and stretching exercises. These work to enhance your overall strength and keep your muscles limber.

Why not try yoga? Yoga has a fascinating history, dating back over 5000 years ago. Today, yoga is being increasingly used as a form of holistic recovery for posture, mind and body. Why not take up yoga teacher training, learn all the skills and knowledge of an expert?

Get the Right Rest
As well as all of these measures, it is imperative that you continue to get the right amount of rest.

You may feel you have to overcompensate for the lack of gym availability and get over ambitious about your fitness goals at the start of the year, but by going for gold on your fitness plans straight away you will suffer from inadequate rest and recovery. It’s important to understand where your body currently is and listen to what it tells you about how far you can go. Burnout and overtraining will only begin to slow you down further, so pace yourself well.

For those looking to turn their fitness goals into a career, fitness instructor courses in Plymouth may be just what youre looking for.

*Collaborative Post