Helping Your Child Develop their Vocabulary

Developing a wide vocabulary is a crucial learning experience for children, because it can help them with their social skills, as well as their academic progress. Of course, they will learn plenty during their time at school, but parents can help as well. In fact, parental involvement is a great motivator. Here are some tips from a childcare provider in Richmond

Help Your Child to Develop Their Vocabulary

helping child develop vocabulary

Chat with Your Child
It goes without saying that if you want your child to learn lots of new words, you’ll have to chat with them regularly so that they pick up the vocabulary you use within a sentence. However, it’s important to ensure these conversations are stimulating for your child; don’t lecture them with long, one-sided monologues where they are given little opportunity to speak. Instead, ask them lots of questions, particularly open-ended ones that require more than a one-word answer.

Use Visual Cues
When your child learns a new noun, perhaps find a picture you can show them or pin up on the fridge. If they learn an emotion, try and show the feeling using body language and facial expressions. You could even encourage them to draw a picture that illustrates the new word. The idea is the help them attribute their new vocabulary to something more memorable.

Encourage Reading
Children who read a lot tend to have a wider vocabulary, as well as better spelling and grammar. This is because they are exposed to lots of new words that aren’t always used in everyday language. Let your child know that they’re welcome to ask you what things mean if they come across new words in their books. It’s worth noting that you should encourage your child to choose their own books, to help ensure they are actually interested and absorbed in the story.

Play Board Games
There are lots of board games, such as Scrabble and Boggle, that can help youngsters with their vocabulary. Word searches and age-appropriate crosswords are also a good option. Games help children learn in a fun and entertaining way, helping them with motivation. 
You can even help your kids with the ones they find hard to solve using a word-solving tool such as unscrambled words.

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