How to Foster a Growth Mindset in Your Children from an Early Age

A growth mindset can help your children strive to learn and evolve continually. A growth mindset is essentially the idea that you should keep trying to grow as an individual despite all odds.

A fixed mindset is the opposite– giving up or fearing failure to a detrimental extent. Instilling a growth mindset in your child can inspire confidence and resilience to serve them throughout their lives.

mother and child

1. Praise Their Efforts
Praising your child’s efforts rather than the end result is crucial to developing a growth mindset early. When your child can focus on how fun the learning process can be, they will be more likely to continue learning until they grasp the concept. When your child is too focused on the finish line, they can lose sight of their process and get discouraged when they feel like they failed. Praising your child’s efforts can encourage them to make positive changes to arrive at a different outcome.

Failing is OK and you must teach your child that failure is a part of the growth process. Praise their efforts and encourage them to learn from their mistakes. You want to praise your child for holding the pencil correctly, not scold them for missing a line on their letter. Gentle guidance is critical to your child’s perseverance and perspective at a young age.

2. Use Encouraging Language

Encourage your child to keep going, no matter how difficult something may seem. You don’t want your child to feel like giving up is an option. They can slow down, take a break or go another route, but they cannot quit. Using encouragement as a tool is a vital way to build your child’s self-esteem and confidence.

When they feel that you believe in them, they are more likely to believe in themselves. Be mindful of the tone of your voice, and choose your words wisely when your child is struggling with a new task or lesson. Be objective in your responses and encourage your child to question things and test their theories. This will help them grow and learn at a more effective rate.

3. Unstructured Play
Unstructured play is an excellent way to foster a growth mindset in your children. Unstructured or free play is the idea of allowing your kids to play freely without a schedule or itinerary of things to do. Let them wander and roam within reason and find something to do independently. This boosts creativity and problem-solving abilities in your child from a young age.

Unstructured play can be a vital tool in fostering a growth mindset because it can allow your child to learn and grow through play. Unstructured play can help your child exhibit curiosity and be brave. Although they have your supervision and support, they feel like they are in control.

Fostering a Growth Mindset in Your Children

Practice what you preach, of course. Ensure that you have a growth mindset while you try to foster one for your child. Children start observing early in life, often more early than you realize. Be a role model for your children and teach them how to develop a growth mindset by setting an example for them to learn from.

*Collaborative post