How To Get Your House Ready To Sell

To sell your house quickly and for the best possible price, it pays to prepare in advance. Luckily, there are some things you can do to get your house ready to sell as this article will explore.

living room, sell home

Improve the kerb appeal
First impressions always count and the front exterior of your house is no exception. You can brighten up your front garden with flowering plants in containers and ensure any flower beds are free of weeds. Hire a power washer to clean your driveway if necessary and make sure your front door and windows are clean.

Carry out any outstanding repairs
Take a look around your home and make notes of all those things you barely notice day to day - think stains on carpets, a cracked bathroom windowpane, a patch of damp near a bedroom ceiling. You can research the cost of a plasterer via a quick internet search. And don't forget outside; make notes of missing or damaged patio stones or missing roof tiles.

Tidy and Declutter

Decluttering makes your rooms look bigger, lighter and well-cared for. If you plan to move, there is no better time for a good clear out. Use websites such as Gumtree, Shpock and Freecycle to get rid of things quickly. Facebook Marketplace is another site that can ensure you have a quick sale with no fees. You may also like to donate local charity shops that welcome donations of good-quality household items, such as books, ornaments and crockery.

Clean and spotless
Ensure your home is clean as this will help showcase your home at its very best. Don't forget the windows as clean, bright windows will maximise the light that floods into your home.

Opt for neutral colours
Most property experts recommend neutral colours such as cream and beige. This not only helps to brighten your house but it also allows prospective owners to envisage how they would put their own stamp on it.

Rearrange furniture
Move your furniture around to ensure you are making the most of the space you have available. You can really open up a room by rethinking how large pieces of furniture are displayed.

Once you've sold your house, you'll be keen to find a local removal service. You can be sure to find the right one for you with some research, for example typing 'cheap removal service in London' into Google. 

Happy Moving! 

*Collaborative post