Christmas Party Ideas For All Ages

The Christmas season is the perfect opportunity to gather your friends and family and enjoy quality time together. But once all of your loved ones are gathered, what do you do with all of that time? You throw an unforgettable party, that’s what!

There’s no shortage of ways to get into the Christmas spirit, and we’ll discuss some of the best ways to get everyone involved in the holiday festivities. From little children to lifelong friends, these are some of the best Christmas party ideas for all ages.


Have a Bonfire
While there may be plenty of warmth coming from the love your family shares with one another, the same can’t be said for the weather outdoors. If you and your loved ones still want to enjoy the outdoors without worrying about hypothermia, lighting a bonfire is an excellent way to get everyone out of the house. Gather up your firewood, grab some marshmallows, and sit around the warmth of the fire while telling stories of the long year that’s about to end.

Set Up a Hot Chocolate Bar
After everyone has warmed up around the bonfire, bring the party indoors and keep the good tidings going with a hot chocolate bar. Set up stations with marshmallows, whipped cream, and flavoured syrups so your guests can put their own spin on a seasonal classic.

And for any little ones at the party, they’re sure to appreciate a chance to make the hot chocolate of their dreams. Just make sure you buy extra marshmallows.

Play a White Elephant Game
For an entertaining spin on traditional gift-giving, play a white elephant game with your Christmas party guests. Have everyone bring a small-to-medium-sized gift, place them all in a pile, and have each guest take a number. Number one gets to choose the first gift, but then number two can decide to steal the first gift or take one of their own. This continues until everyone has had a turn, ensuring a surprise with each gift!

Cookie Decorating
Christmas cookies are a staple of the holiday, and decorating them as a family can make for some unforgettable memories. Lay out cookies of all shapes and sizes, and give your guests a wide assortment of icings, sprinkles, and other decorations to choose from. You’re sure to have some delightful and delicious results by the time everyone is done.

Jenn Walker

Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey. She writes for Nurse Next Door, a team of caregivers in Weatherford, TX.