The Importance of English Literature in Schools

Studying literature nurtures creativity and hones critical thinking skills. It allows us to delve into distant corners of the past and explore new perspectives and viewpoints. English literature for children not only develops language skills, it helps shape their understanding of the world and introduces them to different ways of thinking. I have teamed up with a leading independent school in Buckinghamshire to highlight some of the main reasons that English literature is such a valuable part of the school curriculum.


Expands Vocabulary
Literature is a key resource for developing the vocabulary for children of all ages. From the early years students just mastering the written word, to high-schoolers exploring advanced texts, there is always room for growth and acquisition. Literature helps children see new words in context, cementing the definition in their understanding and demonstrating how to use the vocabulary accurately, helping children develop both their verbal and written communication skills.

A Glimpse Into The Past

History comes to life when woven throughout a captivating narrative and recounted through the lens of human experience. Literature allows the reader to view the past in full colour and helps them understand the thoughts and feelings of those who lived at the time. Reading can inspire interest in topics a child might not otherwise have looked into and encourages them to learn more about the period they are reading about. They will discover similarities between their own experience and the lives of the characters they meet, helping create a sense of connection with history where previously it may have felt like an irrelevant, abstract relic.

Offers New Perspectives
Children will encounter topics that will demand they think critically and reflect on their existing ideas and their place in society. Throughout their English literature syllabus they will encounter texts which centre on issues such as racism, feminism, classism and poverty, giving them greater insight into how such things affect their own community and humanity as a whole. They will encounter new perspectives and develop a more empathetic understanding of the issues present within our society, enabling them to discuss sensitive topics with awareness and consideration.

*Collaborative Post