Top Tips for Protecting Your Home Against Cracks & Leaks

Buying property isn’t like any other investment. It requires regular maintenance as otherwise you’ll be in for a surprise. Cracks and leaks are prone to happen and can easily be prevented with the right checks and precautions. Following through with them can save you a hefty bill and a lot of headache. We have teamed up with a foundation solutions supplier to share our top tips for protecting a home against cracks and leaks.


Water Your Property
Sounds a little odd but watering your building’s foundation can prevent shrinking and cracking in the summer when there’s very little rain.

Check Your Roof
Roofs are the culprit of a lot of leaks. They are the result of damaged roof tiles and other elements designed to keep water out. To prevent any of these leaks happening, you should check your roof for tiles that are damaged and need replacing. This requires thorough inspection and getting on top of your roof which you may feel more comfortable getting a labourer to do.

Monitor Foliage
Trees soak up a lot of water and can dry out a property’s foundations. When planting, it's important to do so away from your home as it will help to reduce the chances of cracking. Plants and anything else growing on your property should also be removed for this reason.

Windows are all the same and are prone to cracking. The glass itself can get weathered over time and form cracks. Seals are also just as important and should be replaced if peeling away to keep your home well insulated and protected.

You should check your brickwork for any cracks as over time these can widen and put your property at increased risk. A suitable water-resistant filler should do the job. If you're dealing with cracks around a window however, you should use putty or caulk.

*Collaborative Post