Helping Your Child Become More Environmentally Conscious

The simple lifestyle choices that we make all cost the environment and opting for greener alternatives can help us to preserve it. Imparting these important nuggets of information onto your child can help to make sure that they're also doing their bit and can carry on your efforts when they grow older. If you're looking to help your child become more environmentally conscious, you’re in the right place. Below are methods that can help from a private school in Surrey.

child gardening

Recycle Waste
Recycling plays a big part in protecting the earth. Every year, 381 million tonnes of plastic waste is created. Recycling what we can from that can help to minimise the number and reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill or in the sea. As each piece of plastic takes approximately 100 years to decompose, the problem is only going to get bigger if we don’t put a stop to it. Recycling also lets us reuse existing materials as opposed to using further fossil fuels to create new plastic items. To do this, you can upcycle what you already have or simply sort and discard waste correctly at home.

Walk More
Walking gives us a way to keep active and stay healthy. Doing so can also reduce the number of cars on the road and the harmful emissions that they release. Public transport is another way of minimising your carbon footprint. It is thought that one train can take up to 50 cars off the road, making an incredible difference.

Grow Your Own
Growing your own veg has a certain kind of reward that it brings. You can see how something that you have invested so much in, grows and thrives. Doing so as a family can teach your child about where their food comes from and reduce waste such as plastic and fuel.

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