The Benefits of Journaling for Children

There are many benefits to documenting your day in a journal. It can help you to be more organised, better understand your priorities and reach set goals. Getting your child to make a habit of this at a young age can help them with this as well as in other respects. A private school in Chelsea has shared some of these benefits with us below.

child writing

Improved Handwriting
It’s only natural that with the more that your child writes, the better their handwriting will be. This can help them to make their work legible for teachers to read.

Improved Writing Skills
Following on from the last point, journaling can help children to improve the quality of their writing as they practice how to construct sentences. This can help them to communicate better with others and articulate their thoughts.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing and while we can’t change our mistakes, we can learn from them. As your child creates their diary entries, they can reflect on their mistakes and the things that didn’t quite go as planned.

Dealing with Emotions
In their journal, they can also talk about their feelings. Going back to before, they can reflect on how they feel, understand why they feel the way that they do and come up with ways of dealing with things which can help them with their mental health.

Problem Solving
They can look at their problems from different perspectives too as writing can help them to analyse situations as an outsider.

Working Towards a Goal
It is believed that a goal written down is more likely to be achieved than one that isn’t. This is because we can use our journals to plan and work towards them.

An Outlet
There are no rules on what you can journal about. It is an open-ended activity which means that your child can write about whatever they like and let their imagination run wild.

*Collaborative post