PAJ GPS Easy Finder Tracker: A Review

As a mum of three little boys, life can certainly be very busy and very chaotic- a simple trip to the shops requires a lot of mental effort as all three boys have a tendency to walk (or run) off in different directions! As I have more children now than hands, this means I can't securely take the hand of all three at once. As a result, I have to ensure that I never take my eyes off them for a second. There is however, the very real possibility that despite my best efforts, they could slip off in a different direction, get lost in a crowd or heaven forbid, be led astray. As parents we've probably all experienced that gut-wrenching panic when even for a split second you lose sight of your child. Luckily most of the time, your child has simply slipped round a corner or behind a tree for example, and once you spot them, you can once again breathe easily. But what if the worst was to happen and your child couldn't be located quite as easily? Wouldn't it be amazing if there was an easy and quick method for determining the exact location of your child so you could quickly reach them or alert those looking for them?

GPS tracker

I was delighted to discover PAJ GPS who have a range of GPS tracking devices. I was given the opportunity to review the EASY Finder 4G Tracker which is suitable for using with children.

GPS tracker

Inside the box you get the tracker, a case for the device, a lanyard, a plug. charging cable and an instruction booklet.

The tracker was easy to set, up. The instructions recommended charging for 8 to 12 hours first though it does contain some charge already. I charged mine via the USB port on my computer. You need to activate it online via the website or via the PAJ Portal app. Once activated you can then turn on the tracker. It is then possible to view the position of the tracker on your phone or via the computer. It's that simple!

Last week, my husband and I took the boys to Drayton Manor Theme Park. Being a large theme park that can be busy and crowded at time, this seemed like the ideal opportunity to test out the tracker.

The tracker has lots of useful features. Via the online portal and the app you can see the exact route the tracker has been so should your child go missing, you can literally follow their footsteps. It will also show their current location. There is an SOS button that your child can press if they need help and if so, you will receive an alert. As well as the route tavelled, you can also see the speed they were going. You can set the tracker up to alert you if it leaves an area and you can make this area as big or small as you require.

I found that the instructions provided didn't quite answer all my questions so I did need to spend a little bit of time playing around on the computer and the app to work out all the features.

During our time at Drayton Manor Theme Park it was really reassuring to know the tracker would assist us to locate our child in the event that we were to lose sight of them. It was possible for us to see exactly where we went during our time in the theme park which would have allowed us to know where to head if we had lost sight of him.

The battery life is up to 14 days in standby mode and the battery lasts for around 7 days with an active tracking time of around 1 hour per day.

I was really impressed with the Easy Finder Tracker. It offers lots of reassurance and peace of mind and it will certainly be a feature of our day trips now.

PAJ GPS also have a range of different trackers available which are perfect for keeping your loved ones, vehicles and valuables safe. We were kindly offered a subscription as part of our review but the costs of the subscriptions are affordable and great value for money. You can find out more about the subscriptions here.

To find out more and explore the range visit PAJ GPS

*Collaborative post