Why A Garden Office Is The Ideal Work From Home Setup

 In recent years there has been a huge increase in the volume of individuals working from home. The recent pandemic was certainly the catalyst for this as rules and regulations around working in close proximity to others were put into place. The result of this was that it was deemed safer for people to work from home if possible. Now that restrictions have lifted, many individuals have continued to work from home due to the many benefits it offers to them and their workplace including removing the addition of a stressful commute, reducing petrol costs, promoting a great work/life balance, and creating higher productivity, to name just a few reasons!

One of the challenges of working from home is finding a suitable space within your premises where you can effectively conduct your work. Lack of space, privacy or a noisy and bustling household are just some of the difficulties workers may face when it comes to working from home. One great solution to any difficulties faced, is the addition of a garden room. A garden room is a standalone garden building, which serves to offer you additional space in your home. They are built with high quality materials, with the addition of electrics and insulation and are styled with your choice of door and windows, making them an ideal place to set up your office. A garden office can be built to exactly your specifications making it a convenient and ideal solution to your office needs.


There are many advantages to considering a garden office room in your home. Here are a few of the amazing benefits.

Peace and quiet

As any individual living with a family or other tenants will know, home isn't always a place of peace and quiet! The hustle and bustle of family life can be a noisy affair; babies, small children, pets or even teens will all create a low (or high!) level of noise that can be really disruptive when you're trying to work. It's not just people and pets that can be distracting, household appliances can also create noise for example, the washing machine, kettle, and dishwasher. A garden studio takes you away from the hive of activity without you actually needing to be away from home itself and offers you a little slice of quiet and tranquillity, perfect for conducting your work in.


With others in the house, it can be very difficult to ensure you have the privacy needed to do your work. Perhaps you have important phone calls to take, or your clients require complete confidentiality- whatever the reason, this isn't always guaranteed when working at home. With a garden room, you'll have the privacy needed without having to worry about listening ears or interruptions.


Your garden is likely to be a place you go to relax and be with nature. Therefore, having your office actually located within your garden is a wonderful way of reducing stress and anxiety. Being able to look out at your beautiful garden is a huge mood booster and will have a great effect on your mental health.

Personalised workspace Your garden office can be perfectly tailored to you and your own individual requirements. You can have exclusive control over every aspect of it from the colours of the walls, the temperature, where your documents are filed or even which pictures you hang on the walls, to name just a few things! You won't have to compromise with colleagues on the space and this will surely help boost your productivity and happiness.

Additional Living Space

One great benefit of your garden room is the addition of living space it will create. Your home will no longer have to accommodate your office accessories such as your PC, desk, office chair and files as these will now live in your garden office. This will free up space in your home making it feel and look clutter-free and spacious.

*Collaborative post