Feel Hair Support Review

Having nourished and healthy looking hair can help you look and feel amazing. And so I was delighted to be offered the opportunity to review Feel Hair Support. The wellness brand Feel have created a hair support supplement to help improve the health of your hair by increasing hair density, volume, shine and brightness. 

Feel Hair Support Supplements

I love to keep my hair long and so I'm always keen to discover products that will enable it to look healthy, full and nourished. As a mum of three little ones, this often means I have limited time to tend to my hair and often result to a super quick wash and condition when I can. I was really keen to learn more about Feel Hair Support to see if this can help with the health and appearance of my hair. 

Feel hair

So just what makes Feel Hair Support an effective product?

The Feel Hair Support supplements contain an active ingredient known as Keranat™ which is clinically proven to affect hair health. Keranat™ works by targeting the dermal papilla (the skin underneath the hair bulb) to stimulate growth and to increase the thickness of collagen around the hair bulb. The thicker the collagen layer, the stronger the hair root. It is a clinically tested, patented solution and is obtained from natural substances which include miliacin, millet seeds, lipids sourced from sunflower, wheat kernels, safflower and rosemary.

Healthy hair
The hair supplements also contain Biotin which is a wonderful ingredient known to assist with the health of hair, preventing breakage and strengthening hair follicles. 

feel hair

Prevents hair loss
One of the key benefits of the supplements is to prevent hair loss and this is due to the Keranat™ they contain. Keranat™ has been clinically proven to significantly reduce hair loss after 12 weeks. 91% of women consuming Keranat™ observed a reduction in hair loss compared to the placebo group!

Feel hair support supplements

My thoughts
I'm impressed with Feel Hair Support. My hair feels more nourished and healthier and looks fuller than before. It is advised that the hair supplements are taken for 3 months to feel and observe the full effects and benefits. I have taken this for 30 days so far and so I am keen to discover the condition of my hair after another two months. The company is honest and reputable and the products are backed by scientific research. They work closely with leading experts and scientists to develop formulas that are backed by extensive studies and clinical trials. There is real attention to detail in the products they offer and it's clear they care about the health and wellbeing of their customers. I'd certainly be happy to try more of their supplements and products.

feel hair support

To receive 20% off Feel products use code PARTNER20

hair support supplements

Disclaimer: collaborative post