How to Be More Involved in Your Child’s Education

Children whose parents show their support and encouragement when it comes to their education are far more likely to succeed in school. Knowing that they have someone to fall back on when things don’t go to plan will give them the courage to take risks and put themselves out there, which will pay off more often than not. It also helps instil them with a positive attitude to learning, because it proves the value of education. If you’re wondering how to be more involved in your child’s education, and therefore help them succeed, here’s some advice from a pre-prep school in Kent.


There are lots of ways to show that you are committed to your child’s education. Start by thinking about how education is approached within your home. Does your child have an appropriate study space set up, free from distractions and equipped with all of their books and other suitable learning resources? Do you talk about education in a positive way? Are there rules that state your child must complete their homework as a priority after school, before playing outside or watching TV? Consider some ways in which you can show your child that their education is a priority of the whole family.

Get in touch with your child’s teachers to discuss the curriculum and stay up to date on their progress. Meeting once a year at Parents’ Evening is important, but it won’t get you the information you need throughout the rest of the year to support your child’s development. For instance, if they’re struggling with a module in one of their subjects, you’ll need to know about it as and when so that you can invest in the necessary learning tools and perhaps even hire a private tutor for a while.

As well as communicating with the school on a regular basis, you should also try and attend events like school plays and sports day. This will demonstrate to your child that you are dedicated to all of their endeavours, not just the academic ones, as extra-curricular activities are equally important in helping your child to develop necessary life skills.

*Collaborative post