What is Home Oxygen Therapy?

Home Oxygen Therapy is prescribed for patients that need more oxygen in their blood. Sometimes individuals are not able to get the sufficient oxygen required from the air around them and so need assistance from devices such as an oxygen concentrator which assist with supplying them with oxygen. Home Oxygen Therapy can help with conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), severe asthma, heart failure, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary fibrosis.


Individuals that have low levels of oxygen in their blood may experience symptoms such as breathlessness, low energy, coughing and memory problems and oxygen therapy can help with this. There are a range of stationary and portable oxygen therapy options available such as those from the Philips Respironics range. 

If the individual's GP believes that their symptoms may be relieved by home oxygen therapy, they will be referred to a specialist clinic which will look at the oxygen levels present in their blood. 

Oxygen may be delivered via a mask placed over the person's nose and mouth or via a nasal cannula; short tubes placed in the person's nostrils. Some people may also need a tracheostomy which is where an opening is made in the neck, or may have a tube placed in their mouth and down their windpipe.

There are three types of devices that are used to provide oxygen therapy and these include an oxygen concentrator for those that require oxygen throughout or for most of the day, large oxygen cylinders- where oxygen is required for intervals throughout the day and portable oxygen cylinders for use outside of the home. 

You can find more information about home oxygen therapy here.

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