5 Must-Have Items for Your Home Renovation Project

A home renovation can set you back £1000’s and take up a huge chunk of your time with the average taking around 6-7 months to complete. Here is a list of DIY must-haves, put together by a timber and mouldings firm in London to help save you time and money.


A Spirit Level
With the naked eye, minuscule details can be missed and the result can be heart-breaking after spending blood, sweat and tears on your renovation. You can end up with walls out of tolerance, wonky shelves and frames. A spirit level can save you time that would have otherwise been spent on do-overs and help you to get the job done right from the start.

A Pipe and Cable Detector
Thanks to a genius invention, the average DIY-er can do their own investigation before hammering and taking down walls. Pipe and Cable Detectors give you an idea of what lurks beneath such as live electrical wires.

When remodelling your house, it's always good to move any furniture that’s in the way and any other potential obstructions. This is as much for safety as it is for ease. While you may be able to work around them, it’s probably not the best idea to risk ruining your lovely furnishings.

Sufficient Protection

Whether you’re carrying out a quick fix or have done the job over a thousand times before, having the right protection is no less important. Goggles and masks can help protect the eyes and airways from dust, harsh chemicals and even flying nails.

A Wearable Tool Bag
A wearable decorator’s pouch can come in handy when renovating your home. It can save on the number of trips that you have to make across the room or from your ladder. You can carry all of your tools together and avoid losing a nut or a bolt. A small and simple fix to make life a little easier.

*Collaborative Post