Mothers' Most Frustrating New-Born Baby Problems (And How To Solve Them)

The arrival of a newborn baby is fraught with emotions. Most are good, but there are times when negative ones come along.

All new parents think their problems are unique. But if you really take a look at the issues that couples face, they tend to repeat themselves over and over again. In fact, when it comes to newborns, you can boil it down to just a handful of recurring issues.

Newborn babies are incredibly simple. They are so young that their personalities haven’t had time to develop. All they can really do is cry and sleep.

As a new parent, you won’t have to deal with behavioural issues or oppositional defiance. It’s more about meeting their basic biological needs and ensuring that they are comfortable.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the challenges that you are likely to face as a new parent, and what you can do about them.

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Emotional Turmoil
Looking after a new baby is one of life’s great challenges. Not only are there numerous practical issues you must contend with, but also emotional problems as well.

Becoming a new mum takes a major toll on your psychological well-being. For some, it is the best experience of their life, but for others, it’s a difficult sensation to get used to. More than half of all new mums say that they find it difficult to adjust to their new lifestyle.

There are superficial reasons why it can be so difficult for a new mum. Lack of sleep is one such problem. Many mums simply can’t get the shut-eye they need to be at their best (something that we discuss in more detail below).

However, deeper-seated emotional issues can crop up. For instance, many mums experience a profound sense of sadness after having a child. The “baby blues,” as they are commonly known, comes from the mother’s sense that she is lacking in some way, or that she doesn’t have the skills to raise the child correctly.

Unfortunately, there are no easy solutions to the latter issue. Mums may find it helpful to remind themselves that they already have all of the skills they need given to them by nature. Raising a child is a natural experience for a new parent.

Beyond that, though, mums can find support groups and counselling. Often, the arrival of a baby touches on an old nerve – perhaps a trauma from the past that they have not yet processed fully.

Endless Crying
Constant crying is another significant issue that you will likely face. Babies have no other way of communicating, so they will cry for many hours of the day to indicate that they require care.

Daytime noise is okay, but at night it can be an issue. Newborn sleeping patterns are nothing like those of older children or adults. For the first three months, their circadian rhythm is still adjusting, and their bodies don’t care whether it is day or night.

According to research, about a quarter of new mums say that crying is the biggest issue that they face. Again, it can lead to sleep deprivation which, in turn, makes it challenging to get on with all of the day’s tasks.

Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to remedy endless crying problems. One is to use a cry decoder to figure out what your baby is trying to say to you. Understanding where the crying is coming from lets you solve the problem and reduce noise levels.

Another tactic is to take a look at all of the scientifically-established reasons babies cry and then see which is affecting your baby. The list is actually quite short and includes:
  • Hunger
  • Stomach issues arising from colic and gas
  • The need to burp
  • A dirty or uncomfortable nappy
  • A need to sleep
  • A need to be held
  • Being too cold or too hot
  • Experiencing pain, such as teething
  • Wants less stimulation
  • Feeling unwell
To stop your baby from crying, you can run through each of the items on this list and see whether anything fixes the problem. If that fails, there are other methods you can use, such as singing a lullaby, giving them something to suck on, snugging and swaddling them, playing white noise, giving them some fresh air, or putting them in warm water.

If your baby keeps crying and won’t stop, there may be a problem. Start by putting them down in a safe spot and allowing them to cry alone for a while. At the same time, call a friend who is a parent and ask them more about their experience.

If you feel stressed, find something to distract yourself or periodically take deep breaths. If you suspect that your baby might be sick because they have a temperature or unusual symptoms, call the doctor. Resist the temptation to shake your baby at all costs.

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Getting Your Baby To Sleep
Sleep issues are by far the biggest challenges that new parents face. It’s the number one reason for exhaustion, and most aren’t prepared for it. A couple of weeks of sleep deprivation is okay, but when it drags on for months and months, it soon becomes a major issue.

The main problem isn’t getting your baby to sleep – they do that rather well themselves. Instead, it’s convincing them to stay asleep that is the problem. Babies have an unfortunate habit of constantly waking up repeatedly throughout the night, breaking up your sleep.

So what can you do about this?

The first is to know what to expect. For the first four weeks of life, most babies don’t have a well-defined sleep schedule at all. Instead, they sleep when they need to, usually for two-to-four hours at a time, day and night. After about six to eight weeks, babies begin to consolidate their sleep, and it becomes increasingly night-time focused.

Another thing you can do is to switch your baby's nap schedule. This is where you train them to sleep during the night, just like you.

There are several ways to do this. The first is to meet your baby’s feeding requirements. Babies need eight to twelve feedings per day over a 24-hour period because of the small size of their bodies. It’s a good idea, therefore, to begin feeding early in the morning and continue it throughout the day until late evening so that they have enough calories to prevent hunger from waking them up.

Another tactic is to wait until your baby is ready for sleep – say around 9 pm – and then get them ready for bed. Allowing your child to stay up too long can make them over-tired, which may actually worsen their sleep pattern.

You can also try simply being consistent. If your baby follows your family’s schedule for a few weeks, they will take it onboard.

At the same time, you may want to try various tactics to keep your newborn awake during the day. For instance, having a set “wake-up” time in the morning is a good way to get their bodies into a routine.

Another strategy is to differentiate between night and day. Make the day loud and bright while keeping the night quiet and calm.

Some parents wake their babies up for regular feeding throughout the day. This kills two birds with one stone,

Formula Feeding Challenges
Sometimes breastfeeding isn’t an option, which is why many parents opt for formula instead. However, that can bring a host of challenges by itself.

The best option here is to do your research and find out as much as you can about different formula brands.

Difficulty With Breastfeeding
Lastly, you may encounter some unexpected breastfeeding issues. Getting babies to feed doesn’t always go smoothly at the start. Around two-thirds of mothers say that they have problems at the beginning, with issues becoming less severe later on.

The main worry, of course, is that your baby won’t get enough to eat. Babies need a constant supply of calories to provide them with nutrients for their growing bodies. If they don’t get it immediately, they can fail to thrive, and lose a dangerous amount of weight. The other issue is that the baby will fail to latch, particularly if the nipple is inverted.

So what can you do about this?
If the issue is nipple pain, then it could indicate an incorrect latch. Try nursing the baby off the tip of the nipple and onto the areola.

You can also try to gently open your baby’s mouth or tickle the bottom lip to secure a better latch over the nipple. The nipple should rest on the roof of the mouth. If that fails, take the child off the breast and then allow it to re-latch.

You may experience nipple pain when the baby first latches before it slowly fades. This is an experience that many parents have when their child is new. If your nipples are cracked or sore, though, call your doctor. They may be able to offer helpful advice.

*Collaborative post