How to Build Relationships with Your Child’s Teachers

Having open rapport with your child’s teachers is incredibly valuable for parents, aside from getting knowledge about your son or daughter’s performance. It can pinpoint areas where children should improve and change the dynamic at home as you’re looking to better your child’s performance.

Keen to build a relationship with the teachers? Take a look at this guide from an independent school in New York to help you in beginning those conversations.

Talking with child's teacher

Aim to not bombard them with questions
Teachers will be getting a lot of concerned parents jumping at them across the school year, so it’s wise to hold back and speak to them in a warm and friendly manner. Build that relationship with them slowly by asking about the overall dynamic of the class, things kids can look forward to across the year and areas that excite teachers. Try not to ask questions first thing when the children arrive at school, when they need to be on alert.

Talk to your teacher before you raise something with the Head
Oftentimes you’ll find that a lot of issues can be resolved way before they need to be escalated. You can always speak to your child’s teacher first to see if it can be handled on a personal level, such as handling a stressed or upset child after a day of school, or if someone is teasing your child in class.

Encourage your child to be independent
A happy teacher is found when they know they can rely on your child to dress properly, take out their lunchbox and have a willingness to help within the classroom. More awkward conversations come when your child continually misbehaves and causes problems during school time, so it’s important they see the benefits you’ve brought your child. It also means there’s less of a chance your child will receive negative feedback when they do get the chance to speak with you.

*Collaborative Post